Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Miss Emmeline.

Emmeline isn’t a Wicked Queen or anything like that, but she’s a bit of a beauty and she knows it, and flaunts it. You can constantly see her flicking her hair – understandably, as it falls past her shoulders and many lengths past her toes. I’ve shown you guys a sneak peek of this girl before, but now that she’s finished – here are her final pictures. I’d like you to meet Miss Emmeline, an ethereal, ghostly, beauty.


Emmeline started her life as a pale MIO (almost grey in colour, so unique!). She is the result of my giveaway competition a few months ago, and Kathryn, who won, had a lovely idea for a ghostly girl that looked a bit ethereal. I had such fun with her, and I love meeting people with such amazing ideas that I get to execute, and sometimes things I would never try for myself.

After receiving her kilometres of hair in the form of crazily long grey Leekeworld wig, I asked Belle Magni of So Sweet Dolls to collaborate with me to create a flowing, layered dress for Kathryn’s girl. And my goodness. Did she do an amazing job.


Belle made her two layers of dresses – a little grey corset beaded with pearls with layers of tulle in greys to give volume to a skirt, and the back of her dress a shredded layer of lightweight grey. In effect, it gives a wonderful layered dress with a lot of detail complexity.


Her inner dress is a halter neck in a white crimpled fabric with four layers of ruffled skirts – a white, a peach, a darker peach, and a gorgeous striped black.


For her shoes, I picked this fabulous resin pair by Jemgirl. They are sparkly. And Black. and FIERCE! Look at the height you get from them!


Emmeline’s faceup is a little bit unusual. She has a smokey eye in blues and purples, and some white eyeliner, matched with white lashes. Her lips are a deep eggplant purple, and she has some peachy blush on her cheeks. She’s wearing a gorgeous pair of grey-green Puppelina eyechips.


Her eyelids are a light metallic blue with tiny flowers and little pressed engravings. The liner is white, to match her wings!


Here’s Emmeline sitting in front of her photo box. I decided to make something art-deco for her, but I’ve honestly fallen in love with the pattern and think I may use it for more future girls but change up the interior. The front of the lid features a mirror, and inside is a purple and burgundy room with a little oval that Emmeline can check her makeup with.


I quite enjoy taking photos of her inside her little box!


Her hair is so long that I could braid it and wrap it over her 2-3 times. However, the long ghostly hair really matches with her in my opinion. She seems the type to let her hair grow out long!


I honestly can’t get over how gorgeous her dress is! Belle did such an amazing job.


I have to say I really enjoyed making such a different girl. She’s really been growing on me recently and I’ll miss having her around. I hope she enjoys her new home!



Work done:

  • Face-up in pastels, watercolour, acrylic and airbrushing
  • Sealed with MSC UV Cut Flat
  • Eyelid painting and new eyelashes
  • New eyechips (by Puppelina)
  • Special little box
  • New dress by So Sweet Dolls

I have a few more girls on the back-burner before I re-open my commissions (plus the end of the year is always so hectic) but I’ve had such a fun time with Emmeline. I hope to see lots of pictures of her in the future!